Monday, May 4, 2009

Sabrina's Home For Imaginary Friends

Is it really wrong to have an imaginary friend? I don’t think so but I’ve promised myself to never go down that road again. This is why (flashback!)……I went to the Bronx with a couple of my friends (3 girls, 2 boys (and my imaginary friend, Moonlight) to get hoodies that had our groups intials. So we went and got hoodies, found these sneakers that had the hoodies design, went to the movies and then hit the pizzaria. It was pretty late, almost 11 so we decided to go back to Brooklyn to my cousins house. We took the 2 train and it took forever but there were some teens on the train that were really social so it was like a traveling party after awhile. We hit our stop and got off. We checked to make sure we had all our stuff. My little group didn’t forget nothing but guess what I forgot….Moonlight. I had a mental breakdown right in the subway station. She was like my twin. They couldn’t get me to calm down. I was crying like someone just shot my dog. It was horrible and I vowed from that day forward that all imaginary friends were to be completely oblivious to me as they are to adults who don’t believe in their inner child til! I found Moonlight. I hold that til this day…..please do not introduce me to any of your imaginary friends. Theyll be alot more imaginary when Im done with them….


The conceited man said...

That reminds me when I said my imaginary friend left me but mine never came back.


Coucou! ton blog est super cool, j'aime bcp tes articles. je viens d'en créer un aussi sur mon restaurant: comme je suis encore débutant dans le monde des blogs, si tu pouvais me donner un petit coup de pouce et venir le visiter. laisse un commentaire comme petite trace de ton passage, ce serait sympa.
merci d'avance et à très bientôt.

bangmuis said...

entren s

Unknown said...