Thursday, November 12, 2009

The "Impotence" of Proofreading

The the impotence of proofreading
By Taylor Mali

Has this ever happened to you?
You work very horde on a paper for English clash
And then get a very glow raid (like a D or even a D=)
and all because you are the word¹s liverwurst spoiler.
Proofreading your peppers is a matter of the the utmost impotence.

This is a problem that affects manly, manly students.
I myself was such a bed spiller once upon a term
that my English teacher in my sophomoric year,
Mrs. Myth, said I would never get into a good colleague.
And that¹s all I wanted, just to get into a good colleague.
Not just anal community colleague,
because I wouldn¹t be happy at anal community colleague.
I needed a place that would offer me intellectual simulation,
I really need to be challenged, challenged dentally.
I know this makes me sound like a stereo,
but I really wanted to go to an ivory legal collegue.
So I needed to improvement
or gone would be my dream of going to Harvard, Jail, or Prison
(in Prison, New Jersey).

So I got myself a spell checker
and figured I was on Sleazy Street.

But there are several missed aches
that a spell chukker can¹t can¹t catch catch.
For instant, if you accidentally leave a word
your spell exchequer won¹t put it in you.
And God for billing purposes only
you should have serial problems with Tori Spelling
your spell Chekhov might replace a word
with one you had absolutely no detention of using.
Because what do you want it to douch?
It only does what you tell it to douche.
You¹re the one with your hand on the mouth going clit, clit, clit.
It just goes to show you how embargo
one careless clit of the mouth can be.

Which reminds me of this one time during my Junior Mint.
The teacher read my entire paper on A Sale of Two Titties
out loud to all of my assmates.
I¹m not joking, I¹m totally cereal.
It was the most humidifying experience of my life,
being laughed at pubically.

So do yourself a flavor and follow these two Pisces of advice:
One: There is no prostitute for careful editing.
And three: When it comes to proofreading,
the red penis your friend.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

10/15/09 (I Cant Think Of Any Clever Titles At The Moment..Sorry)

It feels like Im lying but I promise to start updating more regularly=]
Schools been going really well so far. The teachers are great, the kids are hilarious and the hw is drain, everythings going right. I'm passing all my classes except maybe, Physics. My teacher has the craziest accent and he likes to take to himself so the class is entertaining but you leave at the end of the period trying to figure out what you were supposed to learn in those late 50 minutes. Its alright though, I'm gonna start going to tutoring after school next week. I ran for Student Union and won! Woot! Its been rumored that Ive got Presidency of the Student Union but Im not sure how reliable my source is. All I know is that there are four seats and I got one of them. For now, thats all I need to know. Im taking Intro to Latin and I LOVE my latin teacher...he is too awesome. He actually makes me want to continue latin as a language course but I believe I'm going to switch to either Spanish or Chinese. Im not sure yet. I will be taking intro to both of those and afterwards I'll decide which language I want to continue taking for the next two years. Yeah, thats really all I have so far. Ive got an essay to write on The Scarlet Letter (thank you Mr.Kleiman for having already introduced me to Puritan times. Made this book alot easier) Yeah, Im gonna go get started on that essay. I'll post it up here when I finish. Update you guys a little later..(a little later as in tomorrow=] lol )

Signing off and out'^.^'

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


So Ive graduated from middle school, entering highschool in about a week, Ive learned so much about myself this summer and one thing Ive realized is that I REALLY need to start blogging again, lol. I miss seeing that blank page fill up with words that write out my thoughts, thoughts that I'd probably be either keeping inside or telling my dog and he rarely responds so I gets the feeling he doesnt really care...that couldnt be true though, could it?.....NAH..yup, so anyway..thats it. Look at this blog post as an intro for whats coming..yup, thats right. BEWARE!! Wait..beware sounds scary, like I dont want you to read my blog..ok, nevermind. WELCOME!!..Yeah, that works.

Friday, May 15, 2009



Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Teenagers. One big As much as some teens try to act like they're all so holy and they don't think about it...they do. Unless you live under a rock sex affects you. Every where you go there's sex. Movies, music, the rack at the corner store that says 18+. Its everywhere. If its everywhere then it must be good, must be important for some kind of fundamental development right? Another big thing is cell phones and on cell phones, theres texting. Everybody does it. Now if you put this texting that everybody does with the sex that everybodys talking about, you get a big problem. Since 2005, *"sexting"* has been a big issue and...well, its still a big problem. If you're not familiar with the term sexting, its the act of sending sexually explicit messages or photos electronically, primarily between cell phones. Since many teens are still trying to keep some type of purity, they figure not having actual sex but sending sexually explicit messages to the "loves of their lives" is a good alternative. The same as if you'd have sex with somebody who you "loved" and thought "loved" you back and then they go around telling everybody youre a whore and the biggest slut after the innevitable happens and you two break up...if you send them either sexually explicit text or pictures youre just cutting out the middle man and basically giving them permission to hit that "SEND-TO-MANY" button on their phone and letting everybody else see what should've been private and letting everybody think all thats not true about you also.

Click Here
to read about a young girl that commited suicide because of the consequences of sexting
Click Here to read more about the subject

Watch what you do. Once something is sent theres no turning back and nothing is ever deleted from cyberspace.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Teletubies Vs. Boobah

Yeah, so Ive been obssesing over this for the past few days. You know how there are reality shows that just copy other reality shows and 6 soap operas that are exactly the same but with different actors? Well they do that with kids shows too. I am not embarrasesd to say this at all, I spend most of my free time watching PBS and PLayhouse disney and all those other channels for the young ones. Now my problem is that one of my past favorites, Teletubies was copied by this thing, Boobah. Honestly I have no idea where they got a name like that. Boobah...I just dont get it. Theyre such copy cats. Boobah characters; They are all different colors, they dont talk, they dance constantly....what does that remind you of.....TELETUBIES! I cant believe the shows creator had the audacity to sit there and remake Teletubies. Most people say its just the chinese version but what 6 year old is concerned with race. What 6 year child tells their mother "This show isnt chinese enough for me to watch." Nothing said is about being racist, Im not even trying to make a "racial statement". What my problem is that they copied Teletubies and Im mad. I hope Boobah looses all their viewers and is canceled or put on some remote channel. (They scare me......Im serious, I really am afraid of them. Especially the yellowish one.)

[ Oh Digimon and Pokemon are the exact same thing just so you know...I love both of them though. Gotta catch 'em all!]

Sabrina's Home For Imaginary Friends

Is it really wrong to have an imaginary friend? I don’t think so but I’ve promised myself to never go down that road again. This is why (flashback!)……I went to the Bronx with a couple of my friends (3 girls, 2 boys (and my imaginary friend, Moonlight) to get hoodies that had our groups intials. So we went and got hoodies, found these sneakers that had the hoodies design, went to the movies and then hit the pizzaria. It was pretty late, almost 11 so we decided to go back to Brooklyn to my cousins house. We took the 2 train and it took forever but there were some teens on the train that were really social so it was like a traveling party after awhile. We hit our stop and got off. We checked to make sure we had all our stuff. My little group didn’t forget nothing but guess what I forgot….Moonlight. I had a mental breakdown right in the subway station. She was like my twin. They couldn’t get me to calm down. I was crying like someone just shot my dog. It was horrible and I vowed from that day forward that all imaginary friends were to be completely oblivious to me as they are to adults who don’t believe in their inner child til! I found Moonlight. I hold that til this day…..please do not introduce me to any of your imaginary friends. Theyll be alot more imaginary when Im done with them….

Internet Freaks

WOOT! So Im finally back from Jamaica....Well I was back about 2 weeks ago but yeah.....Yeah! I was on this multiplayer roleplaying game called Runescape (yeah, Im a nerd. I role play. So what?) and I was wondering why the internet plays such a big part in society today. Besides the obvious reason about how anything can be found via web -from buying a rare Malibu Barbie from making Weapons of Mass Destruction-but the thing is that alot of people arent always happy with the life they're living at the appointed time OR even if they're greatly content with their life they might want to make it a bit can be anyone over the internet. You could be a 45 year old male pretending to be a 14 year old girl with acne and an eating disorder. I dont know why that would be sometihng to choose to be but hey, one girls nightmare is another man's fantasy. play my own little 'W.B. Manson' game with this new thought I created a couple of different Myspaces as different people which was actually real fun. My different account themes were -Goth Chick, Envolved in Emo, Homesexual Ganster, Retired Cop,Believed Vampire and an Anti-Christ theme.- All were very hard work and it was so interesting to see how people responed differently to each one. I had people request me, just so they could curse me out and tell me "you need to be saved..." and "prayer couldn't even help a wretched person like yourself'" A couple of those messages hurt my feelings too...but anway, my point really is that people can be anyone they want over the internet so as my personal P.S.A. you don't know who is who so DO NOT give your personal information to anyone, agree to meet anybody from the internet outside or trust any person you meet online. Take nothing what anyone says personally either because I know many of you remember the story of the mother who went on Myspace and pretended to be a young boy and led a girl to suicide...(click here to read the article)

BE CAREFUL!!!!! please.....

Oh and Runescape is really fun. Check it out. (Nerds are really cool people...just kidding, Dont call anyone names or make fun of people...its not nice....^_^ im so sweet....)

Monday, March 30, 2009

(Weekly Update?

So Ive been doing bad with this daily journal thing. I havent written on here for a week already but I know you guys will forgive me, right?? *Yes* YAY! I got a acoustic guitar yesterday and...well, Im not very good yet. I was gonna get an electric one but I didnt feel like getting the amplipher so....yeah. Thats the most exciting so far and I got accepted into Bard High School Early College. Ive been wanting to go there since I was like 5. It just looked like somewhere where smart people go so I wanted to go there because....I wanted to be smart. Nothings wrong with wanting to be smart right? Ah, I didnt really think so^_^

Sunday, March 22, 2009


I am so excited!!! Tomorrow is me and my bf's 6 month anniversary. Big right? Totally. I was laying down yesterday, after I wrote on zee blog and I realized that something I need to start doing is talking. Well, not talking like just ranting and rambling because I do enough of that daily but talking to "him" about whats been going on. People have been saying I've been acting differently. I have been acting differently. My whole little show of being happy 24/7 has been starting to deteriorate. Im not as good as actress as I thought I was but thats fine because I stopped caring. Alot has been going on, just stress of 8th grade and teenage life and its been taking such a big toll on me because...I dont talk about it. Now of course I could write about it on here but how much would that help? Not only would I be typing for hours on end, I would be boring the heck outta you guys when I could be talking about something of interest and then doing my whole therapy session with the guy who cares, or at least does a REALLY good job of acting like he cares. I appreciate acting more these days. AH! Im starting to bore myself now. Right, so I didnt do much besides think today. Sunday is my crying day. Where I think about everything and everyone thats done me wrong, cry about it then plan my payback. Sounds pretty pathetic, I know but its a real joy for me. So thats what Im doing right now. Im having heck of a time too. Yup, not much else to I'll write about my revenge plans and how my 6 month anniversary went tomorrow.

Signing off and out (Ha, its still cute to say)

Saturday, March 21, 2009


O-M-GFAKD! Guess what??? I have a new goal....exciting isnt it? What Im planning, hoping, aspiring and working to do is do an online journal. Meaning, Im going to try and write on blog everyday with just a little update on whats going on with...ME! Yup, thats right. You'll get to be on my case about everything that goes on with me day in and day out. So, yeah. Right now Im feeling pretty sick. I went to Saturday school at Bard earlier today and then went to the Pokemon Platinum release party. It. Was. AWESOME! Got a signed copy of the game and everything. I was supposed to go to my friend, Rey, birthday party but I wasnt feeling party-ish at all so I just went home. Up until now I've been watching YouTube videos. Not that exciting but thats all I felt like doing. Im REALLY REALLY tired. I havent slept in the last 4 days. I dont know why. I dont know how either but...yeah. Maybe Im an insominac. I should go get checked out or something dont you think? Yeah? I dont think so either. I'll be fine. Anyway, Im gonna go give my friends snake a bath so I'll talk to you guys later.

Signing Off and Out (Ha, thats cute)

Friday, March 6, 2009

Space-Invaders! AH!

Well I founds me another movie like the text monster video I was telling you guys about in my last post and this one was about this boy who has this girl he's been going out for awhile and he was on her "Myspace" page the other day and saw a pretty flirty comment from this other guy and got suspicious. I said he should have broke into her account while she was away and looked at her messages. Yeah, yeah. He should have just talked to her but I dont know, I get nosy when I get jealous but anyway, he did it and got caught and that was just sad. He could have found a better way to break in than doing it at while he was at her house. Of course youre gonna get caught. I hate when people do things like that but are stupid when theyre doing it. If youre gonna be sneaky you have to be clever. You cant be an idiot and you have to know how to stay alert and listen for footsteps and stuff. If you cant do those things...then well, you should just be upfront and ask whats going on...even though I dont really approve of that because then the person you asked kinda realizes that youre watching so then theyre more aware and are more careful with their "cheating". Like even if theyre not cheating, theyre probaby not being fully honest with you because they dont think that you care because you havent really shown any sign that youre watching them or have any idea that you know what theyre doing when youre not around. The internet is a funny thing because its almost like this parellel world where youre yourself but you can make yourself into whoever you want to be and do pretty much whatever you want. Its alot easier to get caught doing something wrong on the internet because of all that data collecting technology there is now. Even simple technology like history and the cache, even if you delete them theyre still there and if you get caught by the feds doing something illegal ten years from and they want to pull up your old files they an do that and...well, thats why you have to watch what you do on the internet especially if you have an overproective overcurious space-invading boyfriend~

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Text Monster

I have this friend who has this boyfriend and he likes to hang out with his friends and whatever and she used to feel left out. Now they both have cell phones and she texts him constantly so she never feels abandoned by her boyfriend. Lately he's been answering her text less and less and when she finally confronted him about it he told her that his phone was broken. She doesnt know what to do because, well shes hurt and kind of doesnt believe him. So she texted me and asked me what she should do. If she should just break up with him, call him out on his lying and smash his phone or confront him and ask him whats going on. I told her to smash his phone because I personally hate being toyed with. If he isnt going to use it to make their relationship stronger there is no point in having it and he doesnt need it sooooo smash it. She texted me back and said that she didnt know if that was really the best way to go. I figured she was just too scared to do it so I called her boyfriend and he picked up (phone broken right?) and told him to meet me at the park. As soon as I saw him I started an arguement with him and took his phone right off his waist and threw it into the monkey bars. It smashed instantly and he stood there in complete shock. Then he got MAD sooo I ran. I ran and ran and went home. To make the story short, his phone really was broken, he had just gotten the one he answered me on an hour earlier, my friend had gotten a text from him telling her what really happened about the slow responses (his brother was really sick) and they are both no longer my friend. But hey, who needed them right?^_^


That story is no where near anything that really happened to me. Click the link below to see where I got the idea from, its a really cute video.


Nothings Wrong With Revenge

You know what one of the saddest things is? When people dont realize what other people are capable of? They just keep pushing them and pushing them...and you know what? One day that kid is gonna lose it. Theyre just gonna be so tired and so finished that theyre gonna lose it and the good thing is with people like me who only go after the ones that deserve it...the ones that deserve it never see it coming because why? They underestimated the amount of bull that kid was gonna take so they think, "Oh, one more time isnt gonna hurt. This kid isnt gonna do anything." And by the time they finish that thought, theres already a bullet hole in the back of their head. Now, Im not promoting or encouraging violence but I'm a BIG believer in revenge. Being part of a Jamaican family, I was brought up in a mostly christian environment because...well, besides Rastarianism, christianity is really the main religion and Ive always been told, "God will take care of things." or "Every dog has their day and every puss has its 4 o'clock" and all thats good and well but honestly I dont think theres anything better than a little mortal revenge. Karma is great. God is great but mortal revenge is just so...sweet. Yeah, there's consequences but...its just too sweet. Consquences are what make life great anyway. Being in the wiccan religion also, they have a saying "What thou do to onto thee, will come back to thou art, three times three" which I guess I should follow. But like I said, nothing is as sweet as mortal revenge. I like my revenge to be surprising and sutle. Im not the one to come to school with an Ak tuked away into the front of my pants. No real satisfaction would come out of that but you know your favorite American Eagle sweater? The really expensive one? Yeah, the one with the bird on the front. That paint stain didnt get there by itself. And the homework that was being counted as a test for 40% of your grade that you thought you didnt lose it. You dont need to keep looking for it either, its gone.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

If I Were A Boy (Pt. 2)

(Wow, took me forever to write this second part huh? Such a shame. My deepest apologizes, but dont act like you were actually waiting for it. Probably sittin there watchin music videos or something...But for those of you that were..Again, Im sorry.)
Here we go, second verse. Right after the chorus-
If I were a boy
I would turn off my phone
Tell everyone it’s broken
So they’d think that I was sleepin’ alone
I’d put myself first
And make the rules as I go
Cause I know that she’d be faithful
Waitin’ for me to come home (to come home)

This verse is trying to explain that guys like to create a reason to ignore their girlfriends eithier cuz theyre cheatin on them, feeling guility or just doing it cuz...well, theyre guys and thats what they do.(Not all guys but many) If youre phone is broken, no one can call you to check up on you and see how youre doing so that would probably lead to the thought that youre not in a relationship cuz the other person would want to call you and see how youre doing. Not necessarily if youre cheating or anything but just to ask what youre up to. So no phone, no girl meaning no reason for you not to be able to flirt and mess around with other girls you meet and no reason for your guy buddies to think that you have to be at a certain time because, youre sleeping alone so no one is worrying. What SOME guys also do is take advantage of the fact that their girlfriends are so loyal to them. They never have to think if their girlfriend would approve of what theyre doing because what she thinks doesnt matter. Its their life so theyre gonna put themselves first and if their girl doesnt like it, whatever. They know that no matter how disrespectful and inconsiderate they are, that woman, that girl, that lady is always gonna be at home waiting for them, waiting to cater to them and show them the love that many of them hone
stly dont deserve.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

If I Were A Boy (Pt. 1)

Hey people, sorry for such a late new post. I've been busy meditating and taking part in a little soul search that was way past due(*shrugs* I dont know what Im talking about but it distracted you from the fact that I havent written a blog post in almost a month, right? Yeeeaaah). Anyway, this post is on a pretty well known female artist, Beyonce. I am not the biggest fan of her but I'm definitely not a hater. Shes really talented and has made it very far in the music world, I just think shes a bit overrated because many people, boys especially look more at her looks than her vocals, personality and all that other good stuff. I have a couple of guy friends that have a her picture as their wallpaper and claim shes their favorite artist having only heard one song by her, probably by accident. Now maybe Im overexaggerating but then again, maybe Im not. ANYWAY, my main point is though shes not my favorite, there are a couple of songs I do love by her. Mostly from her newest album, I AM...Sasha Fierce. One song in particular always always catched my attention and makes me think and its "If I Were A Boy" I know I probably could just write a simple overview of what I think the song means but todays an analyzing day so Im gonna explain each "part" of the song. Bear with me.

1. If I were a boy even just for a day
I'd roll out of bed in the morning
And throw on what I wanted
And go drink beer with the guys
And chase after girls
I'd kick it with who I wanted
And I'd never get confronted for it
'Cause they stick up for me

Guys, most of them dont really care about what they wear because theyre never trying to really impress anybody and some really arent going anywhere besides "going to go drink bear with the guys" Now we girls get dogged at so much for taking forever to get ready but the fact of the matter is if we didnt spend all that time getting ready alot of you boys wouldnt give a girl the time of day since its all about looks. We try so hard to look nice for you and all you can do is complain about why we're taking so long. No matter if we're going somewhere that'll be 30 miles away from you, we'll wake up and take 4 hours to get ready just so that the 5 minutes that you see us before we leave the house you think "Wow, Im lucky to have a girl like her."/You guys can whistle and do a once over of any girl that passes by you and expect us not to say anything but let us mention a dudes name and you just wanna go off. Its ridiculous. We watch you flirt but many of us dont say anything because if we do, we're called jealous. Its not about jealousy, its about respecting the female youre involved with./If we have a certain girlfriend that you dont like, you go right in with calling her names and saying this and that about her but if we should say something about one of your little nasty guy friends both of you wanna strangle us. Again, ridiculous.

-AH! Just realized I'm gonna split this up into maybe three parts so for the rest of the lyric breakdown see my next post. Sorry for the inconvinience-

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Immigration Detention

Immigrants. The name is always given such a bad rep. Its used as a curse, as if its some sort of horrible taboo. Its used as an insult, as a crude joke to someone who isnt from here but what is here? Who really belongs here? Who does "here" belong to? I always hear the media refer to immigrants as aliens. I ask about it and people say that its because aliens arent from here, just like immigrants. That doesnt make any sense to me, maybe it does logically but morally its just stupid. Aliens are green monsters from strange planets OR aliens just arent real. Depends on who you ask. Immigrants are real. Theyre human beings just like everybody else "from here" I dont even see the need for them to categorize them with a name. They were born somewhere else and decided to come here. Big deal. People are born in the Bronx and go to Manhattan. Its just ridiculous. Now its taken to an even worse level. Theyre are some "immigrants" that get caught up into something stupid, not even a misdemeanor but just something that gets them noticed by the system and they get brought to a detention center, specifically for immigrants and keep in mind, many to most are legal permanent citizens but theyre brought to these centers like theyre some kind of fugitives breaking into some wonderful place. America is crap and I know Id probably get a whole bunch of bull for saying that but Im being honest. I dont care if you wanna call me unAmerican but they way America is currently being ran, its someplace that you find it difficult being proud of. America is supposed to be so full of opportunity, freedom and resources because of the whole constitution thing but its use is so limited because the people that are running the country have no sense and then other people are letting these mindless fools run this place right into the ground and go happily along with it. Nobody wants to stand up for anything. They see something foolish happen, complain about it but do NOTHING about it. These poor people in these centers are treated like murderers. They get little to none medical attention, theyre cut off from their families, theyre humiliated, intimidated, pushed around, sexually assaulted and all for nothing. Some are actually sent there mentally ill, known that they need help but instead are labeled disobidient and put into solitary confinement where they end up going crazy and turn depressed and eventually suicidal. I played this game, which really isnt a game at all called Homeland Guantanamo and they show the "untold story of immigration detainees in the U.S." I started playing the game thinking its was gonna be some little stupid gimmick put there by the government to show how wonderful of a job theyre doing but its nothing close to that. I dont even want to give in detail how the game is because its something you really have to experience for yourself. It tells the story of Boubacar Bah, 52-year-old tailor from Guinea who had overstayed his tourist visa, sustained a fall while in detention and fractured his skull. As a consequence he began to behave erratically, but he was thought to simply be "acting out" and was shackled to the floor. Moaning and vomiting, he was placed in solitary confinement, and although some staff members reported him foaming by the mouth and unresponsive nothing was done for 13 hours. At long last he was sent to the hospital and operated for multiple brain hemorrhages. Not surprisingly, it was too late and Bah died after spending four months in a coma. This is a story that was fortunately made public but there are so many similars ones that havent gotten a chance to be told. Its really one of those "let the dead speak" cases. When you finish playing the game they bring you to a memorial wall where the other 87 documented deaths of detainees are placed and there they let you put a comment of hope or something but as I looked there was some of the most IGNANT comments ever. Stuff like, "Its their fault for coming over here", "They should all die slowly, I hope those aliens burn in hell." Things along those lines and it amazed me to see that they would actually play the game, see whats happening and still be so damn closeminded and...I dont even know a good word for it, as wide as I though my vocabulary was there really isnt a good name for those kind off people, well at least not a good name I could call them without being cut eyes at by my teachers. Seriously though, we could be doing a whole lot better. If people were just more educated on stuff and werent so ignorant to the fact of what was going on we'd be better off. Thats really the problem. People are so dumb they go along with anything. Its a shame but this is something that can be changed. Open your eyes and look at whats happening in the world. I know we all like to make our little jokes about how we're the creator of our on little worlds but when you have to come back and face reality you realize that we're all in this together (oh no, highschool musical quote. So not intended) but yeah, all in this together and we gotta stop being so selffish and closeminded. I challenge everybody that reads this post to play the game and write a post on it. It might not seem like anything but just by you saying something about it, youre doing something about it. "The Secret" The way you think and the things you say change the universe. Its just the way the cosmos works. On Tuesday, January 20th we will have officially elected our first black president. One of the biggest changes. No reason for us to stop there. People have been saying that 2009 is the start of the end but it doesnt have to be. Things are finally just beginning.

-About America being crap, that was my angry comment. It seems like theres so much more bad in this counrty especially more than there is good but I do know fully well America really has some great qualities and we should all take time to explore them and build up on them to create an even better place)

(Homeland Guantanamo link: I dare you.)
(Oh and I mentioned "The Secret" Also something you should look into.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Girl In The Water

Well its 3:44 in the morning. I was sleeping but I had the strangest dream and they usually say to write down your dreams so here I am, typing my dream.

-There was a little girl crying in the corner. I couldn't see her face because her hair was in the way. Her hair was oddly dark, it looked dark and wet like she was swimming or something. I was walking towards her to see if she was ok (stupid, i know). I was about 2 feet away from her when she looked up at me. Her skin was dark and her eyes we're bright gold and wide. Eerily beautiful. She told me "I told him not to do it. I told him but he did it and then they hurt him." I guess my subcouncious self was scared because I ran. I ended up on this sidewalk. I looked up and realized I was near the school (188). I looked towards the street and saw one of my friends Anthony riding on a bike. His hair was black and choppy, convering his face. He had one arm on the handles but the other, the other arm wasnt their. I pulled a bike out of my pocket (?) and rode after him. He looked so sad. I asked him what happened and he said "They wouldnt leave me alone. I didnt know. I threw the bag of bees at them but then one of the wasp flew up my nose and thats why I dont have my other arm. Im allergic to bees." (Sad story I know) I jumped off my bike and landed in the ocean. I swam to the edge and saw the girl from before. This time her eyes were red. Red and scary but still strangely beautifully. She said out loud but to know one in particular "This is the last time. I tried to warn you to stay away." Ghost appeared behind her. All their faces were blurry. They came straight towards me. One of them put his hand over my eyes and pushed me deep into the water.

Thats when I woke up. Im thinking about writing that down as a story. Yup, so Im gonna go back to bed now. I just might try to interpret this dream later on when I a little more awake.

Friday, January 16, 2009

My Haikus About Math

That Just Means Not Equal
Why such a big word?

Math is frustrating
It reminds me of parents
Like them, you need math

Graph paper, pencil
Lets make coordinates and plot
*Sigh* I dont want to

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!........(TO ME!!!)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!! WOOT! 14 YEARS OLD! Wow...Im getting old...Well, its 11:31 so 29 more minutes til the official day of my wonderful oh so inspiring birth but still.
Yeah, just wanted to say Happy Birthday to myself. Sorry this is such a short post but short post on my blog for once is a welcome change from those novel intros I usually do huh? Teehee! Yeah but I'll be back. Gonna go look for some birthday presents or something-

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Being random is great...

For 2009 Im trying to be more "open" so what better way to do this than with a whole bunch of meaningless amazingly random questions. I'll probably be doing more of these in the near future so...yeah, just wanted to say that.

1. Where were you 3 hours ago?
Well its 11:49 now so I was home, in my favorite chair.
2. Who are you in love with?
Somebody, he probably doesn't want to be mentioned so...yeah, somebody special.
3. Have you ever eaten a crayon?
No, but Ive eaten chalk before.
4. Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
My friends dog....(dont ask)
5. When is the last time you went to the mall?
A week ago
6. Are you wearing socks right now?
Yes, Barney ones. Barney is awesome.
7. Do you have a car worth over $2,000?
I wish I could say I had a car period. Well, I could say it but I want to say it and not be lying.
8. When was the last time you drove out of town?
If I dont have a car, how am I supposed to "drive" out of town. Ridiculous.
9. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days?
No, but Ive seen some movies online
10. Are you hot?
No! Its REALLY cold in here.
11. What was the last thing you had to drink?
This smoothie thingy I made with my cousin.
12. What are you wearing right now?
13. Do you wash your car or let the car wash do it?
Omg, again. Dont-have-a-car...Gosh.
14. Last food that you ate?
Strawberries. Theyre so cute and red and stuff.
15. Where were you last week at this time?
My friend Dashawn's house.
16. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?
Yeah, I felt like being the stereotypical girl and got excited about shopping
17. When is the last time you ran?
Earlier today, sometime around quarter before something else.
18. What's the last sporting event you watched?
The Giants Vs. The Eagles.
Eagles:23/Giants:11 (Its funny that they played this game on the 11. Maybe if they played on the 25 they would have won)
19. What is your favorite animal?
Lynx (Its like a snowleopard/lion thing)
20. Your dream vacation?
A remote island...that hasnt been "discovered".
21. Last person's house you were in?
22. Worst injury you've ever had?
Um...scratched cornea.
23. Have you been in love?
I havent BEEN but I am now.
24. Do you miss anyone right now?
25. Last play you saw?
An Urban Remake Of Romeo and Juliet titled Romiette and Julio.
26. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?
Dont have one...dont really need one;)
27. What are your plans for tonight?
28. Who is the last person you sent a MySpace message or comment?
This person I dont know...
29. Next trip you are going to take?
That remote island I was telling you about
30. Ever go to camp?
Yeah, it was fun except for the occasional bear was ok.
31. Were you an honor roll student in school?
Yup, 4 years straight.
32. What do you want to know about the future?
If Im gonna be hurt anytime in the near future so I can just avoid it somehow.
33. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne?
Its 11:52...
34. Are you due sometime this year for a doctor's visit?
35. Where is your best friend?
He's home
36. How is your best friend?
Good. Thanks for asking. Hows yours?
37. Do you have a tan?
Why would have a tan??
38. What are you listening to right now?
Vulnerable-SecondHand Serenade
39. Do you collect anything?
40. Who is the biggest gossiper you know?
I dont know, whoever writes that stuff in the girls bathroom. Theyre amazing.
41. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over?
Pulled over? In what? For what? Driving an imaginary car? Wow
I got stopped the other day though (while walking), like 4 days ago.
42. Have you ever drank your soda from a straw?
43. What does your last text message say?
44. Do you like hot sauce?
45. Last time you took a shower?
Like 20 minutes ago
46. Do you need to do laundry?
47. What is your heritage?
48. Are you someone's best friend?
I'd hope so
49. Are you rich?
It depends on who you ask
50. What were you doing at 12AM last night?
Playing DeadSpace

Monday, January 12, 2009

Exploiting Your Own Kids...Wow

I was watchin this video on YouTube today and there were these two little girls dancing together. I usually look at the comments before I watch any video (I hate when they have those scary faces pop up on the screen so I check for spoilers) and I saw some people callin the little girls sluts and the parents ignorant. Now Im thinking, why is everybody being so mean? All I see are two little girl dancing. I scroll back up to the video and one girl is bent over in front of the other one dancing like they do in many clubs. Thats when I realize what the people are saying. So I look at more of the comments just to see what other people think. Then I hear through the music "Go head Nana kiss her." I had no idea what was going on but when I looked back at the video these two women were tryna get the girls to kiss. Seriously now, the kids are around 7 and 8 years old and theyre doing this. First I thought maybe theyre just tryna keep them from gettin twisted up into some kind of homophobia or something but thats so not the way to do it. I agree with everyone in the comments who called the parents or whoever was ignorant. Theyre sitting there exploiting their children not even realizing or just not caring the amount of creeps on there tryna get away at some kiddie p**n and its just really sad. Theyres PERVS just being so fueled and amused by this that it really is sick. If those poor kids arent taught better from now, the hell that theyre gonna end up in is gonna just be so hard to get out of and its gonna be the parents fault but you know what its ok because, im not gonna start preaching or anything but in the bible (somewhere, im not really that great on quoting scriptures) it says "God looks out for the fools and the babies" and as far as I know God can't lie so hopefully, those parents get some sense slapped into them soon or by some miracle their kids realize not to listen or follow them in anyway. Many parents these days are exploiting their kids and not even realizing it, its a shame. Then we wonder how they end up getting pregnant and die of STDS or get kicked out of every school and become a drop out. Follow the bread crumbs that lead to the parents. It always leads right back...

Friday, January 2, 2009

(2009)HAPPY NEW YEAR WISHES/(2008) My Past Year Mistakes

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! Its the big 09 now huh? Didnt 2008 pass fast? Makes you really wonder where time goes. What it should make you realize is that time waits for no man. They say when you die, your life flashes before you eyes. That means you should make it worth watching. One of the biggest New Year cliches is to create a resolution. The people that follow their resolutions are worth recognizing but to me resolutions are a big waste of time. I dont make resolutions, I make promises to myself. I know alot of people are gonna think "Well isnt that the same thing?" Let me just tell you now, it isnt. To me resolutions are just something you tell people but promises are something that you have to say and live up to. Resolutions...not much. If you really say the word how its spelled without the made syllables, its RE-Solutions. A solution done again? Well if that solution was all that great why would you do it again? That just seems like youre making a mistake twice without even realizing what your first mistake was. Maybe Im wrong in your thought but thats what I think and really, you cant go wrong being true with yourself. Promises are something that should be done once and proven over a lifetime. Love is a promise and when you think about love, its not something that can just be said and ended. You have to say it, mean it and prove it. A promise. Say it, mean it and prove it. Love yourself, make a promise to yourself. Say it, mean it and prove it to yourself. Forget about everybody else.

Now my promise to myself for 2009 is that Im gonna stop regreting cuz now that I think about it, its better to regret doing something than to regret doing nothing at all. Before my big problem was rejection. I was so scared of being rejected that Id stay so quiet and to myself that Id be invisible but not even to other people, more to myself... Then, after awhile Id stop caring so much that Id hope to be rejected. I figured it would make me stronger. Like jumping into cold water in 15 degree weather. It would make me immune. I thought I could be immune to pain. That was a downfall and I ended being hurt so much because I wouldnt think. The pain was a numbness. If I was numb I wouldnt feel the pain. That was another problem because when I realized that I did care I would feel all the pain of everthing that happened Id go into shock. Then, I would regret everything. I wouldnt forgive, I wouldnt forget. Id mourn and cry and think of regret. Yup. That was 2008. My promise, to just live. Learn from my mistakes, think before I do anything and never reget. Im learning now that pain is not a numbness. Its not something I can be immune from either. Sometimes you just gotta feel it, remember it and move on and thats my plan for 09. Its funny, the whole New Year New Me thing really makes sense to me now. I guess you shouldnt wait for a whole new year to come before you change yourself for the better. If its in the middle of the year, middle of the week, middle of the day at the 15 minutes past the hour and you feel like changing go ahead and do it. The sooner the better.
(I know Happy New Year wishes are supposed to be...well happy and full of cheer and what not but what better way to start the New Year than a good ranting full of honesty. To me thats like starting the day with a good cup of coffee. Yup, even though I dont drink coffee...but whatever)
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! Hope 09 is full of opportunity and fun!